
Oversupply anyone?

I am pumping quite a bit more at work (2 sessions yields around 15-16 oz.) than my LO takes in her bottles (2 bottles of 5-6 oz each) with her caregiver during the day. So I have quite the stash. I am not complaining except that we have a smaller sized freezer (we live in a condo with a small kitchen.)

So my concern is -- should I try to drop a pumping session? I am quickly running out of room in the freezer and there is also the possibility that the BM would be wasted as she isn't drinking enough to use it under the 3 month deadline.  (BTW, for what it is worth she is in the 90th percentile and gaining weight fantastically.) Thanks for the help.

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Re: Oversupply anyone?

  • You could always donate the milk through a site like  I have an oversupply too and donated over 700 oz through this site.

     The freezer's filling up quickly again so I may donate again.

    How many pumps a day are you doing?  You may lose more than you want to by dropping (ie. I pump 3 times/day and get 40 oz but I hear you lose a lot of ounces dropping down to 2 pumps/day). 


    Doula, Placenta Encapsulator, Childbirth/Lactation Educator

    Corin Andrew Dec 24/09

    Ronan Edward Jul 9/12

    Baby #3 EDD Aug 6/14

  • I was thinking about dropping a session too, but DD nurses more during the day when I'm not working, so when I am working I want to keep my supply up.

    I agree with the PP. Don't let your BM go to waste! Check out the website she mentioned. There are many families on there looking for BM for a preemie, adopted baby, mom has supply issues, etc...

    I just joined it today and found a mom who lives near me and needs milk for her preemies. 

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  • dont drop a session- just pump less time/amount each pump. or only pump until you have enough to meet the need of her bottles.

    dropping a pump will hurt your supply and it will be much harder to get back up.

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  • slukd79slukd79 member
    Thanks! I like the idea of pumping enough to replenish her bottles, but not dropping a pumping session. I will give that a go for a week and see if it helps!
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