
When you pump, how many letdowns do you get?

I have been back to work for 2 mths now and I have increased my letdowns to 3.  I used to get one, then two, and now 3.  I pump for 20 this typical, should I start shooting for 4?  I still don't get a TON of milk (well compared to other bumpies).  My first morning pump is my best I usually get 5-7.  Then my next two pumps yeild b/w 3-4.

Re: When you pump, how many letdowns do you get?

  • I get 2 for sure-sometimes 3. I think as long as you are keeping up with your baby's needs, then you are doing great. I get about the same amount as you do when I pump.
  • I have never gotten more than 2 letdowns when pumping, at least the kind that I felt. I honestly didn't pay much attention because I was either on my computer or reading while pumping.
    Annalise Marie 05.29.06
    Charlotte Ella 07.16.10
    Emmeline Grace 03.27.13
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  • ibisibis member
    Just one, and I only pump for 10-15 min. I wouldn't be able to stand it for 20 min! I usually get 4-6oz depending on how long I pump and how stressed about work I am - occasionally I get a little more or less than that.
  • One to two. I think the quantity of milk that you get for three pumps is totally normal. Most people don't even get what you do. I usually get about the same that you do although one time I got 9 oz, but usually it is 6-7, then 3-5 after that.
  • I get 2.  My 2nd is usually around the 10 to 12 minute mark.  After my 2nd let down I stop pumping.
  • I get two and pump for 5-10 minutes. I wouldn't be able to stand it more than that.
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