
For those that had serious supply issues

When LO was born, I had significant supply issues -- I ended up having to EP (long story) and would only pump about 3 oz total each time at a maximum. It was usually less than that. I tried all the traditional ways of increasing supply (except for the actual meds they sometimes prescribe that are associated with increasing milk supply).

 I have PCOS, and over the course of the pregnancy and even after, my chest did not really increase in size. It had a somewhat different fullness to it, but not much at all. I'm thinking that the glandular tissues that normally increase during pregnancy just didn't expand. 

 So, my Q is --

Did anyone else deal with something like this? We're thinking about #2 and am wondering if there is anything I can be doing now between babies to help increase the chances of B/F success next time. 

Re: For those that had serious supply issues

  • sgrlsgrl member

    I had a similar situation (although without the PCOS and the EPing). I tried many different things to increase my supply, including taking Reglan, which did nothing for my supply. I also experienced no increase in breast size during pregnancy (DESPITE my 49-pound weight gain!) and no real growth afterward - I did get increased fullness when engorged, but that didn't translate into an adequate supply.

    Despite that, we're still partial breastfeeding. It doesn't have to be all or nothing. Hopefully you'll get good advice and be able to EBF next time around, but even if you can't EBF it doesn't mean you can't breastfeed. Good luck!

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  • I don't have any advice or personal experience with no. 2 yet, but my situation with my son sounds exactly like yours (minus PCOS).  I really had no breast change during pregnancy or after, never felt my milk come in, son had weight gain problems even though I had two paid LCs come to my house as well as went to a BFing support group and I was told that he had a good latch.  I didn't, at the time, try all of the ways to increase supply.  I was just too overwhelmed and disappointed that I was working my butt off and not sleeping to feed 12x a day and it wasn't working.  It was really emotionally hard for me and it took me months to get over it.  I quit BF'ing after about 3.5 weeks.  I'm pretty sure I am going to try to BF this baby, but I don't have high hopes of a much better supply as so far I have again not had any breast soreness or change.
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  • sgrlsgrl member

    I don't have any advice or personal experience with no. 2 yet, but my situation with my son sounds exactly like yours (minus PCOS).  I really had no breast change during pregnancy or after, never felt my milk come in, son had weight gain problems even though I had two paid LCs come to my house as well as went to a BFing support group and I was told that he had a good latch.  I didn't, at the time, try all of the ways to increase supply.  I was just too overwhelmed and disappointed that I was working my butt off and not sleeping to feed 12x a day and it wasn't working.  It was really emotionally hard for me and it took me months to get over it.  I quit BF'ing after about 3.5 weeks.  I'm pretty sure I am going to try to BF this baby, but I don't have high hopes of a much better supply as so far I have again not had any breast soreness or change.

    Yeah, that. I had maybe two days of breast soreness in my ENTIRE pregnancy. I kept reading everywhere about this awful soreness I was supposed to be feeling . . . nah. Nothing. 

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