Possibly a dumb question. but i just took a breastfeeding class, and the instructor said you really need a chair with arms for the first few weeks.
My rocking chair doesn't have arms! the only other option is a couch, or a chair with arms that does not rock (and is kind of hard to get out of, it's kind of like a bucket seat.)
What do you experienced BFers think?
Re: do I need a chair with arms?
I think a chair with arms in helpful, but now my LO is too long for ours and he pushes against them with his legs, making him pull on me, ouch. I think that I would DEFINITELY get a boppy or some type of nursing pillow for support. LO will get heavy if they nurse for a long time. Also, a footrest/ottoman has really helped me stay more comfortable and kept my bum from going numb on those marathon nursing sessions. GL
It's a matter of personal taste, but I would say no. I mostly nursed on the couch or in bed and didn't have a rocker at all.
I'm fairly short and a lot of chairs have arms that are too high for me so I actually might not have wanted arms at all. Also, in the beginning if you are using a Boppy it takes up a lot of space and some chairs w/ arms would be too narrow.
Happy Birthday, little man. We love you so much!
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great! thanks for all the advice. I got a bobby, so I think I'm set and DH will be happy that I don't want to buy a chair. (one less thing to worry about!)
I guess you don't NEED one... but I sure think they are nice... you can pile up all the pillows on your lap that you want- but you will still not have any support for your shoulders- which means that you will have tension in your body while you are nursing.
Shopping tip... when looking at rockers- many do have arm rest that are totally USELESS- sit in one and see if the arm rests even clear your thighs (cracker barrel rockers come to mind) You want the arm rests to lift the weight of your shoulders off your ribs- you don't want to have to sit hunched just to find the resting point.