
Is Aunt Flow really back?!?!?

I think I am starting my period.  I had mild cramps yesterday and slight pinkish last night, brighter this morning.  I have been EBF, but started pumping during the day this week since I had to come back to work.  Could this change have signaled Aunt Flow?  Ugh, and just in time for the weekend.  Has anyone else started their period while BFing?
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Re: Is Aunt Flow really back?!?!?

  • I had 2 days of light bleeding in Feb-  DS was 4 months

    8 days of heavy bleeding at the beginning of April- DS was 6 months

    Nothing since!

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  • I am hoping this is just from the stress of going back to work.  DH was bummed when I told him this morning what was going on, but hopefully it is short-lived.
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