I gave them to DS starting at 6 months, but now I guess the recommendation has changed and I need to start DD on them already. The tri-vi-sol ones I gave DS seem like too much to give a newborn, the whole dropper full and fruit flavored--- I just can't see giving that to her right now. Is there another kind out there more specifically for younger babies? What brand of drops do you give?
Baby #3
Re: Vit D drops for newborn?
I give the Polyvitamin drops with iron by rugby ( it is generic ). I like it, it helps her poop everyday. When she doesn't she gets fussy. I've tasted it and it is not horrid but i rather not take it myself. It has the fake fruity flavor but she doesn't seem to mind them.
Thanks these are perfect!
I use these:
Breastfeeding Counselor with Breastfeeding USA
Babywearing Guide ** Newborn Carriers
Cloth Diaper Guide
Safe Bed Sharing Info