
First bottle....

and have no idea how many ounces I should put in for my 6 week old.  Also, how were your first bottle experiences?  I'm somewhat clueless as to what to do.  My plan is to have DH give her a bed time bottle while I pump.  Does that seem like a good plan?  TIA!

Re: First bottle....

  • Can't really help you on the amount (maybe 2-3 oz) but I would have DH give DS a bottle at bedtime and I would pump and freeze it or keep for the next night
  • My 6 wk old drinks about 4 oz when given a bottle.

    We gave her her first bottle around 3 weeks and at first she played with the nipple with her tongue, didn't really know what to do with it. We had to kind of jam the bottle in so she knew she was supposed to suck (kind of like you'd put a nuk in). Then she did fine.

    Good plan to let DH feed. My DH loves feeding her and it also takes some pressure off me to know that she is dependent on him for something! :-)


    High risk momma: Diagnosed with a partially abrupted placenta at 32 weeks and sentenced to strict bed rest for the remainder. Pregnancy Ticker} {\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252 \strokec2 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker}
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