I too will be introducing a bottle to my LO soon. My question is when to pump? I still plan on EBF until I go back to work with an occasional bottle. I don't want to ruin my supply, but I also want to start to build a stash. Do I pump once a day? after every feeding? when & how long? Help! Thanks!
Re: About Bottles & Pumping...
I sometimes pump before I feed and sometimes after. I was able to build a stash early on since she didn't eat much.
I think it all depends on the demands of your LO and how much milk you are producing. I was told that a pump never really empties you since the baby has a more efficient suck they will still be able to get some out even if you do pump before hand. This was true for me anyway.
Once you start pumping and still feeding your supply will increase because demand has increased, so you should be fine.
With my first one, I would pump every 3-4 hours and only nurse once a day. The rest were all bottle feeding. My supply increased and I was able to build up a small stash before I started working again.
I know you didn't ask but my advice for increase in milk supply is to drink more water, soup, and eat oatmeal or papaya. It really helped me increase my supply.