I am currently breastfeeding my one month old but I would like to introduce her to a bottle (so that I can leave her with her grandmother once in a while) but I have no clue about bottle feeding with breast milk. I bought a pump and it said to refrigerate the milk as soon as possible but that was all. When you want to feed the baby, what do you do after you pull out of the fridge? Do you heat it? If so, how? And for how long? And how much should you give the baby? Any advice or suggestions would be greatly appreciated!
Re: No clue about bottle feeding - Please help!
I usually store fresh milk in the refrigerator 3 days or less. If you freeze it, it will keep for about 3 months. You can warm the milk by putting the bottle in a bowl of warm water for 5 minutes or so. How much the baby eats depends on how much they normally nurse and how big they are. When my baby was a month old he would normally take about 2-3 oz every 3 hours. At 6 months, my baby will eat 6 - 7 oz every 3 - 4 hours.