
storage question

i know refriderated milk is good for 8 days, and frozen is good for 3 months, but can I leave pumped milk in the fridge for 8 days THEN freeze it? We have some that we ended up not using and I'd hate to waste the 'liquid gold' if I can help it! TIA

Re: storage question

  • Yes, you can do that.
  • Just make sure to smell it first to see if it's still good.
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  • Thanks ladies. Now, can u freeze milk that has been warmed and fed once but not finished??
  • if it's been warmed and not finished, it can't be freezed. and if you want to use it  then it HAS to be at the next feeding. some sources don't even agree with this. some say once it comes in contact with your LO's mouth it needs to be finished right away or tossed because of bacteria being introduced into the bottle. one study did show that the bacteria content was no greater than a bottle not used before. but it was only one study, so its not widely accepted.
  • If you have a deepfreeze you can store your milk for 6 months - year (according to kellymom).
  • My milk only keeps in the fridge for 2-3 days at max. You might want to experiment with a few ounces beforehand.
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