
Not BF related: when did you stop shedding?

I'd rather ask on here than on 3-6 since more of you are "hopefully" past the stage of shedding.  I've been losing a ridiculous amount of hair every day for the past month and a half.  Pre-preg, my hair was very thick.  During preg, my hair was extremely thick.  Now, it's much thinner than it's ever been, maybe around "normal" for the average girl.

How long did it take for you to stop shedding like crazy?  Was the end result more, less, or the same amount of hair you had pre-preg?  Thanks!

Re: Not BF related: when did you stop shedding?

  • With my first daughter I shed for 2-3 months. She was born in July and I remember starting to shed right around the 3 month mark (so, October). At some point in December I went to get my hair trimmed and that significantly reduced the shedding. I don't know if the trim did it or if it was just a coincidence.
  • It let up for me around 9 months both kids.
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  • I think I've stopped (or at least it's way better).  I think I'm even starting to grow new hair again because I see a lot of little hairs throughout (at my part and by my ears) that are 1-2 inches long.  Looks a little weird, but I was worried I was going to lose all my hair so I'll take it. 

    I've also pretty much stopped nursing over the last couple of weeks as well.  Not sure if the hair loss/growth has changed due to time or nursing.

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