There is no membership fee to go to meetings. I think membership is more for medical people (at least that's what I got from the website). i have a login name (which you don't need to pay for) for the forums so you can ask questions and answer.
Membership is $40 for a year- and you will get a subscription to "New Beginnings" magazine (it's very sweet, international and inspirational and informative) as well as a LLL catalog with books and some other items- and members get a discount on those things.
BUT- you do NOT need to purchase a membership to attend the meetings- you can go for a while and make up your mind about it later- you do not need a membership to get in the door... if you find that it's not for you- you don't have any money invested in a year membership. Also- if you can not afford the cost of a membership- you don't need to feel that you need to be a card carrying member of LLL to be a "member of the group" that's simply not how it works... getting dues from members is like to LOWEST priority on a group's to-do list... most groups get most of their funding from donations from hospitals and Doctors and community programs- they don't need your member dues to operate.
If you do want to buy a membership- purchasing it through your local group will make sure that some of the money goes back to the group at a local level.
So- relax and don't worry about a checkbook- you can go while you are pregnant, and after the birth- bring your baby!! (yes- some people are not sure if babies are allowed!)
Membership is $40 for a year- and you will get a subscription to "New Beginnings" magazine (it's very sweet, international and inspirational and informative) as well as a LLL catalog with books and some other items- and members get a discount on those things.
BUT- you do NOT need to purchase a membership to attend the meetings- you can go for a while and make up your mind about it later- you do not need a membership to get in the door... if you find that it's not for you- you don't have any money invested in a year membership. Also- if you can not afford the cost of a membership- you don't need to feel that you need to be a card carrying member of LLL to be a "member of the group" that's simply not how it works... getting dues from members is like to LOWEST priority on a group's to-do list... most groups get most of their funding from donations from hospitals and Doctors and community programs- they don't need your member dues to operate.
If you do want to buy a membership- purchasing it through your local group will make sure that some of the money goes back to the group at a local level.
So- relax and don't worry about a checkbook- you can go while you are pregnant, and after the birth- bring your baby!! (yes- some people are not sure if babies are allowed!)
Re: Membership fee for LLL???
Membership is $40 for a year- and you will get a subscription to "New Beginnings" magazine (it's very sweet, international and inspirational and informative) as well as a LLL catalog with books and some other items- and members get a discount on those things.
BUT- you do NOT need to purchase a membership to attend the meetings- you can go for a while and make up your mind about it later- you do not need a membership to get in the door... if you find that it's not for you- you don't have any money invested in a year membership. Also- if you can not afford the cost of a membership- you don't need to feel that you need to be a card carrying member of LLL to be a "member of the group" that's simply not how it works... getting dues from members is like to LOWEST priority on a group's to-do list... most groups get most of their funding from donations from hospitals and Doctors and community programs- they don't need your member dues to operate.
If you do want to buy a membership- purchasing it through your local group will make sure that some of the money goes back to the group at a local level.
So- relax and don't worry about a checkbook- you can go while you are pregnant, and after the birth- bring your baby!! (yes- some people are not sure if babies are allowed!)