
Goodbye Goldfish #1

Memorial services will be held at our toilet today at 4pm. Any ideas on how to handle this?

Re: Goodbye Goldfish #1

  • say a few kind words, drop a few flower petals, flusheroo.

    so long GF1

  • LOL SEE??? It's not just me!!!!!!

    DD liked to help.  I got the fish out of the tank and put it in a small cup we only use for the fish, with some water.  DD would say a few things to the fish and then dump & flush herself. 

    We told her that, like on Finding Nemo, all drains lead to the ocean.  So the fish were dead, but they got to go to the ocean.  She's been ok with that.

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  • No more fish people! I have learned by watching Belle (wasn't Belle?), Kori and now you. I don't think these fish have a chance.

    I hope the "burial" goes well. GL!

  • Our goldfish is over a year now and going strong. One of his buddies (elmo) did pass shortly after we added him but his other friend Simba is also going strong for almost a year.

    When Elmo died, we told B he went to the doctor...

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