what do you think of people of other religions? How do you reconcile the fact that people who interact with on a daily basis and who seem like perfectly nice people are actually, by your belief, going to be burning in eternal hell fire?
I'm just curious, because I'm Jewish and therefore, by that philosophy, bound for an eternity in the Inferno.
Re: s/o: So, if you're Saved...
Alex (11/14/06) and Nate (5/25/10)
"Want what you have, do what you can, be who you are." - Rev. Forrest Church
I wasn't baptized LOL Right there with ya.
Alex (11/14/06) and Nate (5/25/10)
"Want what you have, do what you can, be who you are." - Rev. Forrest Church
*fellow Tribeswoman right here*
LOL, but how can that be? I distinctly do NOT believe that Jesus was the Messiah (a great man, the most important prophet, maybe, but not divine). So how can I go to Heaven if that being Saved is about believing that Jesus died on the cross for my sins (which is how it was defined by those in-the-know in the last post).
Personally, I'm happy with the good company I'll have in hell, but really, don't think I believe in any of that anyway.
I dont have any problems with various religious views but when someone gets up in my face saying I'm an evil person because of whatever .... I seriously will have a problem....I tend to avoid people like that.
and yes I'm going to hell because I havent been to church in YEARS! However some family members think I have a direct route to heaven because I donated a kidney....hmmm I dont know about that.
Answering for my born-again Mother - My daughter (AKA DaiLyght) is going to Hell.
Yes, she has more than once point blank told me this.
I take the stance that while Christianity is my choice of salvation, many other religions offer different views & stances on God, salvation, and heaven. And some don't and that's okay too.
I have worked really hard to move away from the if you don't believe in Jesus you're not going to heaven model because I'd rather live with world as a tolerant, respectful, non judgemental person.
A Pocket Full Of Dinosaurs
From what I was told? heard? read? was that when Jesus comes back, those who didn't believe he was the Messiah will be finally convinced! So I guess Jesus is expecting a collective, "Oops, my bad!" when he comes back? LOL
Christmas 2011
I can't wait to hang with you biitches in hell. I'm buying the first round!!!
There are some "saved" Jewish people. I don't know how to answer this, like I said I do believe what the bible says, but I don't sit around looking at different people, saying in my head , "you're going to hell, and you over there, you're going to hell'. I think it says somewhere in the bible that you get another chance to accept God after you die so I will just reconcile it that way...I will try help my kids and close family members to learn about God, but I can't worry about everyone so for the rest of you-sorry biotches-see you later! kidding, of course.
Cheers bitches.
You take my ovaries, I take your yarns.
It may be like a riddle. They may say we're going to hell. But maybe we are all going to end up in the same place which WOULD be to me. Surrounded by wild eyed evangelists day in day out.
I don't know but I do know Catholics are pretty much equivalent to Jews in the whole who is going to hell scenario that evangelicals preach. As far as I know and understand, Catholics do not believe in being "saved" or "born again," and a lot of evangelical faiths are not very accepting of Catholics IME.
So I'll be there, sipping on some booze, while dancing and playing bingo.