I have still yet to decide my "plan of attack"....last time, it was rubbing his ear (which he loves). This time....I don't know. Maybe lick him?! If I wasn't so damn fat, I would tackle him (as he has requested via twitter) but I'm afraid I might seriously hurt the man.
Re: BTW, I will be hugging...or humping...Donnie F'in Wahlberg in 4 days!
photos by jennied photography
Alissa Jean
I'm so jealous that you are doing the whole weekend. I would love to add on Saturday night at Foxwoods...and would love to do Saturday night in NYC (I mean, last concert of the NO-tour is almost a must!)! But alas, I get two....Foxwoods 5* and Friday at RCMH.
Do you have 5* for the 5th? I can't freaking WAIT to find out where my seats are for the Foxwoods show. It's killing me.
And I need to make my sign....just not sure what yet.
No 5*. MH thought that was a bit overkill since I am driving 8hrs for this show. The arena is super small though, so I think it will be ok. Nothing is ever going to beat my 3rd row seats!
I'll make sure to take pics and report back on the craziness that will be 3 shows in one weekend from those guys!
photos by jennied photography
Alissa Jean
I'm kicking myself for NOT going on the cruise! What the hell was I thinking?!!
2011 baby!
photos by jennied photography
Alissa Jean