
BTW, I will be hugging...or humping...Donnie F'in Wahlberg in 4 days!

I have still yet to decide my "plan of attack"....last time, it was rubbing his ear (which he loves).  This time....I don't know.  Maybe lick him?!  If I wasn't so damn fat, I would tackle him (as he has requested via twitter) but I'm afraid I might seriously hurt the man.  ;)

Re: BTW, I will be hugging...or humping...Donnie F'in Wahlberg in 4 days!

  • Eeek! 4 days! Mine isn't until June 4, 5 and 6. Ok truthfully, definitely the 5th and hopefully the 4th but not the 6th because we will be coming home that day. But just think of the afterparties!! They are doing 3 nights in Chicago, so there are bound to be some definite Donnie Wahlberg stalking moments. I have my phone set to receive all his tweets. :)
    photos by jennied photography

    Alissa Jean

  • I'm so jealous that  you are doing the whole weekend.  I would love to add on Saturday night at Foxwoods...and would love to do Saturday night in NYC (I mean, last concert of the NO-tour is almost a must!)!  But alas, I get two....Foxwoods 5* and Friday at RCMH.

    Do you have 5* for the 5th?  I can't freaking WAIT to find out where my seats are for the Foxwoods show.  It's killing me.

    And I need to make my sign....just not sure what yet. 


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  • No 5*. MH thought that was a bit overkill since I am driving 8hrs for this show. The arena is super small though, so I think it will be ok. Nothing is ever going to beat my 3rd row seats!

    I'll make sure to take pics and report back on the craziness that will be 3 shows in one weekend from those guys!

    photos by jennied photography

    Alissa Jean

  • I'm kicking myself for NOT going on the cruise!  What the hell was I thinking?!! 

    2011 baby!  :)

  • They announced the cruise almost immediately after the last one, didn't they?
    photos by jennied photography

    Alissa Jean

  • Yes, I think so.  And it's not official but three of the five have already tweeted "You should really get on this boat in 2011!" or something along those lines.  It's happening!  :)
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