
Anyone do Let's Dish, or the like?

and, if you do, how often do you do it?


We may have a career opportunity for me, and if that happens, I will be home much later than usual, like 6. MH gets home at the same time. 

I hate how late this is for dinner reasons. I usually make a balanced meal during the week and prepping and cooking is well over an hour. This will put us at 7:00 for when we eat. It just makes me feel as though our days/evenings will be so short. So, I was thinking about doing the pre made meals at a Let's Dish (or similar) like every two weeks and just warming them up when we get home. The ingredients are fresh, so I feel like it is healthy.

I am just thinking out loud I guess.

Am I over thinking this?  Since I am asking that question, I guess we already know the answer, LOL!

Re: Anyone do Let's Dish, or the like?

  • I tried it once and wasn't overly impressed.  The food wasn't bad, but I think with a little planning over the weekend, I can spend less and still get decent meals on the table most nights.  

    I get home around 5:45 with both kids. DH usually arrives around 6:15 or so.  I try to have dinner ready or almost ready when he walks in.  I do a lot of prep work on Sunday evening.  Chopping veggiies for different meals, premixing marinades or sauces etc.

    Good luck with the career opportunity

    Susie, mom to DS 4/10/07 and DD 3/6/09 (MC 9/05, 2/06) Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers Lilypie Second Birthday tickers
  • The price works out to be $3.13 per serving. Isnt that incredibly inexpensive?

    I feel like that is what I spend normally. Maybe I am wrong?

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  • I've done Let's Dish several times.  Aside from a few meals, most of them have been pretty good.  I think the prices are generally better than what I'd pay at a grocery store for the same ingredients, and the bonus is that I don't have to chop veggies, measure out spices, etc.  I also just hate hate hate trying to come up with new meals or find new recipes, so Let's Dish adds a little variety to our meals without much effort on my part.  I'm so lazy that I'll even pay a little extra so that I don't have to go into the store and assemble the dishes.  I just pick them up.  They send out a ton of coupon codes, and lots of times the code will waive the prep fee.

    For a while I was ordering from them every couple of months.  I ordered 8 meals that were split, so I ended up with 16 meals of 3 servings each.  The servings aren't huge.  DH sometimes complained about serving size, but he tends to overdo it in that department.

    Let's Dish helped us to stay away from eating takeout every night for the first 6 months of T's life. 

  • BJKLBJKL member
    my only comment about it...I thought they would be "quick" to get ready but really alot of them take 40 min or so to cook.  that is still a long time when you get home later at night.  something to think about...
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