
Milk and/or soy allergy and miralax moms

My DD was diagnosed with a milk protein allergy this week and she's been drinking soy milk in place of cows for 4 days now and no other milk products. She's been on miralax once a day for one and a half years following a terrible rock hard stool that caused her to tear and then she holds her poop in still even on the miralax. Well since the allergy diagnosis, we've been getting more runny poops from her. The complaints of belly pain have stopped completely but her poops are runny. I am now wondering:

1. It is common to have a soy allergy along with a cows milk allergy. Could this be causing her runny poops or would she be going more than once or twice a day and have cramping with that?

2. I wonder if she doesn't need miralax at all now that the cows milk is out of her diet maybe the 3/4 cap every am of miralax is giving her runny poops because she doesn't need it now that the trigger is gone.

Any thoughts and experience shared would be helpful. My ped just tells me to try things and see what happens - that's why this allergy went undiagnosed until her 3rd year when I decided myself to take her to an allergist.

Re: Milk and/or soy allergy and miralax moms

  • ZenyaZenya member

    I'd cut the mirilax and see what happens.  If it doesn't help I'd cut the soy milk.  

    Glad she's doing better! 

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  • My DD had watery poops for awhile after we started soy milk.  Ped said they were getting used to the new sugars in the milk.  I've heard of it happening with kids when they start regular milk too.  I think it affects everyone differently.  Not sure if you still need miralax, maybe you can try to give her less and see what happens.  DS takes daily benefiber b/c of constipation issues that didn't pop up until he was 3 y/o.  A limit his soy milk now to 2-3 small cups a day and try to push more water and that has helped a lot too.
    DS1 age 7, DD age 5 and DS2 born 4/3/12
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  • ZenyaZenya member
    I would also not do a ton of soy milk.  My kids drink rice milk and get a cup each.  In general I think a lot of any milk is not a good idea.
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  • I would try to cut down on the miralax but the thing with this according to DD gastro doctor at children's is that you need to do this slowly and just stop it because stopping it suddenly will cause her to back up completely.   I have been working DD down for a while and we are on a half of a tsp a day and now starting skipping every other day and we still have some problems randomly.  Good Luck
  • Yes, she's only getting one sippy of it in the AM. She never drank enough couws milk bc she's just so smart she knew it didn't make her feel good so I'm just replacing the one in the AM that she would drink with soy milk now.
  • 1) Yes, a large percentage of babies/children allergic to dairy protein are also allergic to soy protein.  A simple stool sample test will tell you immediately if there is still allergens, insist on one.

    2) IDK about miralax.

     My advice is to go to a pediatric GI specialist.  Our pedi was useless with respect to DS#1's food allergies (undiagnosed until we went over the pedi's head and headed to a specialist).   Once we went to the specialist, we immediately cut dairy (the #1 allergen) and noticed a dramatic improvement, but stool sample wasn't clear, so we cut soy (#2 and often hand in hand with dairy) and then we got a clean sample.  With this baby, at 1w, I noticed mucousy stool and other indicators so I have implemented no soy/dairy diet (I am EBF) like I did with DS#1.  I will ask for a stool sample at the pedi and if it isn't clear, I will head to a specialist.

    I have no idea why pedis don't refer parents to specialists immediately, just say you don't know and send me to someone who does!  I am sorry LO is going through this :(  I know how horrible it is watching them suffer and feel powerless to help.  Good luck! 

    Fortunate to be a SAHM to my 3 musketeers (5/2006, 5/2010 & 12/2011). Soy & dairy free for the 3rd and final time. Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers Lilypie Second Birthday tickers Lilypie First Birthday tickers imageimage
  • Take her to a pediatric GI specialist.  Honestly, pediatricians are great for standard care, but if she's still having this issue, you need to go to an expert.  One of my sons also has the holding my poop issue and since our visit to the GI specialist, we've gotten the proper dosage or miralax (2 tablespoons), an addition of a stool softener and a basic exam.  His treatment was a little different than my pedi and we discussed ways to wean him from the meds.  He'll also be able to give you advice about the protein allergy as well.

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