
PSA-Hanna Andersson PJ's at CostCo

coktcokt member
They have HA 1 piece organic cotton pj's at CostCo right now in sizes 50-90 for $11.99. That is less than 1/2 what they are in the HA stores, so I thought it was a great deal. I love HA pj's, so I thought I would pass on the deal for those of you near a CostCo!?

Re: PSA-Hanna Andersson PJ's at CostCo

  • great find!
  • I sooo wish we had a Costco nearby! The nearest one is about 60 miles away.
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  • I saw those!!
    image Alcoholism is not determined by how much you drink or how often, but by negative consequences in your life that do not alter your drinking habits.
  • meglewmeglew member
    I saw those too, but was so bummed b/c our Costco only had the zip up jammies, which only go to a 90.  My DD can wear 90's in the two-piece but not the zip ups anymore.  So sad but a great deal!
    DD #1 - 01.08
    DD #2 - 03.13
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