Hi guys. Tonight I went for a little walk/jog. When I got home I had to go pee, pulled down my pants and it looked like I had started my period. I wiped and there was a dime sized clot, half dark red and half grey. I'm not pregnant, and it wasn't accompanied with any cramps. After that episode I wiped and there was no blood and haven't bled since. Does anyone have any slight idea of what this could have been. Gotta admit.. It kinda freaked me out. Thanks ladies!
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TTC since March 2007 - currently on hold

Re: TMI weird color clot?
TTC since March 2007 - currently on hold
I've had purplish before.. so maybe it's older blood than that so it's more of a faded color.
And yes, congratulations on the weight loss! And a vacation is a great reward for all your hard work