Is incredibly yucky.
I cannot believe that I have to pull out yucky packing, rinse the *hole* with saline solution, and repack it daily. For 2-3 weeks. It is in his little head, up in his hairline. The wound is large given the size of his head.
It bothers me that I have to do this to my son. It bothers me that he has this. And I'm not a nurse. I have no medical training, yet I am sterlizing tools, cutting packing and bandaging, etc.
And I have to strap the baby to a changing pad to do this.
It's horrible.
I hate causing him discomfort and I wish it could just stitched up and would heal. Hate.
Re: So, sorry to drone on about it, but the tending of B's wound
Oh sweetie, I can not imagine. I am so so so sorry.
I am also soo so so happy that you are almost over all of this and that he is on the mend.
I am so sorry=( It would cut me to the core, too.
Ok, my situation is a little different, but my son has an open wound on his abdomen right now from surgery. He developed an infection and when they cleaned it, it could not be stitched back up. He was hospitalized and the same thing, had to be changed, cleaned repacked daily.
We were able to see a wound care nurse, who started them using silvercell. It looks kind of like felt, but you just cut a piece to the shape of the wound and then you dont need the packing material. (we had been using pieces that were long sterile strips). This allowed to leave it longer so now the bandage only has to be changed every 2 days. also, it is speeding healing. As soon as we started the difference was visible in how fast it was healing.
The visiting nurse also came to help us at 1st after discharge until we were comfortable doing it. 1 thing that helps him get through it is I give him something he usually isn't allowed to play with, like a roll of tape or something.
Yikes. You're a stronger woman than I. I don't think I could do it. No, I'm sure I couldn't do it. I feel like I could throw up and pass out just thinking of having to do it.
So sorry you and your little guy are going through this.
Can you check with your insurance to see if they'd cover a homecare nurse to come out and do it for you? Also call your child's doctor and see if he'd put in an order for home care to be provided.
All of the reasons you listed are *excellent* basis for your request.
Kaden William 11/4/06 and Dawson Michael 6/30/10
Dawson's first birthday - at the zoo