

So, I posted yesterday about how DH didn't want to go to the further away pharmacy for me to get my progesterone supps. Instead, he wanted me to try a closer pharmacy - one that he had used growing up - that he thought could do everything. Well, we went in there last night, gave the pharmacist my prescription, and he said he would see if he could get it. He said his distributor had 2 boxes  - that would be one month - and that he would order it for me. He said they should have more in stock by the time I needed to refill. Ok....he said it would be in this morning. 

I get a call from the pharmacist today saying he made a mistake. The stuff that he ordered - it isn't the suppositories - it is the KIT to MAKE them. He said he doesn't have a compounding pharmacy, so he has no way to be able to make them - that I would need to actually go to a compounding pharmacy to get my prescription filled. So now....I've wasted more time. DH is going to pick up my prescription from that pharmacy on his way home from work, and we will now have to go to yet another place to try to get these things,. Since it is Friday, I may have to wait till next week now! I'm soooooo mad. I feel like I'm hurting my chances of sustaining a pregnancy by waiting. Not that I have gotten any indication that I'm pregnant yet...but I can't help but think what if I am, and I don't have high enough progesterone now?!


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