
Flying ?/tips please

In June we are flying to see ILs in Florida.  We'll either be leaving from New Hampshire or Boston, and going nonstop so it will be a long trip.  DH gets easily stressed with the kids so I'm looking for any tricks/tips you ladies have.  He can kind of shut down and up my stress and make it hard to deal.  They are 1 and 3.  I know get there early, bring lots of food, drinks, etc.  But what has worked for you in the past that might not be easily thought of?  TIA

Re: Flying ?/tips please

  • Silly putty, crayons, stickers
  • If the one year old still drinks from a bottle or takes a paci try to make sure to use them during take off and landing (for ear pressure). The three year old is old enough to wear EarPlanes (I personally use the adult version and I love them):

    Going through security is a pain with kids, but having more than one adult will help. Make sure you look for the family/handicapped entrance.

    I recommend gate-checking the stroller, but be prepared to have to collapse it when you go through security. OR, if you're bringing a car seat, get the stroller converter thing:

    And remember, unless it's formula or BM, you can't bring fluids through security so you'll have to buy everything past the checkpoint.

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  • I would say that the worst part of flying with two children is going through security.  It is exponentially harder than it is with one - especially when the kids are little.  I just did it in April and by the time we all sat down in our seats, DH and I wanted to punch each other in the face!  Everything goes through the belt - the stroller, carseats (if you're bringing them).  Also, consider FlySafe harnesses - you can rent them, but if you travel a a lot, they're worth it to buy them.  They preclude the need for carseats on the plane and they're FAA approved. I love them!  (You can only use them if your kids are out of infant carseats which they obviously are at 1 and 3). 

     I would say that snacks, a couple of new little toys that you introduce for the first time on the plane, and  if all else fails. . . benadryl.  lol.  Kidding!  (kind of).  Also, try to schedule the flight during the morning.  By the afternoon, nap or not, kids are just not behaved as well. 

     Good luck!

  • We are leaving next week to go to North Carolina.  This will be DS's first time flying.  We are bringing:

    portable DVD player and headphones


    his blanket and travel pillow

    a few matchbox cars.  

    The flight is only an hour and half or something like that, so we shouldn't need too much stuff.  If needed, I am going to download a few things for him on my ipod that he can watch if we really get desparate.  And we are gate checking our carseat.  Thankfully, we don't need a stroller.  

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  • We did an international trip last year with my DS when he was 2 1/2.  I put some tips in my below
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