
Update to B. We are home.

I asked Hooray to post an update since I couldn't get here through my phone at the hospital for some reason, but we are home now. B had a strep infection in the hematoma, which is a very fast acting infection.

He is home now; we got home late last night and is much better sleeping in his own room.

He has an open wound that we'll have to pack daily for 2-3 weeks, which really sucks, but he's SO much happier and aside from being tired, he's his normal self.

Here he is this morning, MUCH better. 

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On a side note, remember that blog where the lady made her kid sleep *under* the crib?

Well, J dragged some blankets and a pillow under B's huge crib at the hospital and pretended to sleep and I thought of that blog.

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Me with my littlest.

Re: Update to B. We are home.

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