I asked Hooray to post an update since I couldn't get here through my phone at the hospital for some reason, but we are home now. B had a strep infection in the hematoma, which is a very fast acting infection.
He is home now; we got home late last night and is much better sleeping in his own room.
He has an open wound that we'll have to pack daily for 2-3 weeks, which really sucks, but he's SO much happier and aside from being tired, he's his normal self.
Here he is this morning, MUCH better.
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On a side note, remember that blog where the lady made her kid sleep *under* the crib?
Well, J dragged some blankets and a pillow under B's huge crib at the hospital and pretended to sleep and I thought of that blog.
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Re: Update to B. We are home.
Charlotte Ella 07.16.10
Emmeline Grace 03.27.13
I'm so glad he's doing better. I hope his recovery is as painfree as possible.
You have to be freaking exhausted and frazzled. I know I would be watching my kiddo go through all of that.
Awww, your kids are so cute (even when one has a bandage!).
Glad you're home now!
Poor baby! I can't believe you guys went through that!
Ryan 5/2010, Kyle 1/2007, Eric 3/2005
DD 1/29/07 -
Alex (11/14/06) and Nate (5/25/10)
"Want what you have, do what you can, be who you are." - Rev. Forrest Church
DANG, is that your BABY?!?! I really haven't been on here in a while! LOL!
So sorry about your experience but glad he's feeling better. Jayden had a really bad staph infection in March and it had to be opened. We had to pack it for about a week and a half. I was so thankful that my mom is a nurse b/c she came over and did it for us. I couldn't do it
And Elias Parker, Born 3.5 weeks early 12/20/2011
FINALLY!!! After 7 years of infertility!
Yay!!! So glad B's on the mend
On a completely unrelated note, it made me laugh to see that your Foogo straw cup is in the same sorry state as ours - bottom missing (those darn things fall off so quickly, and that metal edge is so sharp when it hits wood floors - agghh!)
Glad you're home!
Thank GOODNESS you are home. What a week for you and the little man.