If so how much?
I know everyone kiddo picks up on PT differently, but most people seem to say two-straight days of 'bootcamp' seems to be the way to go.
I know someon who just paid $500 for a woman to come to her house for 8-hours a day, for two consecutive days, to PT her LO.
At first I thought it was nuts, but the more I think about it I see exactly why they did. The least of which being the price of diapers. They have other kiddos with play dates and practices and homework etc and the time you need to invest in PT is extensive.
would you pay more than $500?
Re: s/o Would you pay someone to PT your LO?
I offered my mom money to do it for me. She declined and told me I had to suck up and do it.
I wouldn't use someone I don't know to do it. let alone pay them $500
Eff no I wouldn't pay $500.
And I also don't fall into the "most people seem to say two-straight days of 'bootcamp'" is the way to go. That's not what I did with DS1 and not what I plan to with DS2 either. I also feel my PT experience was laid back and non-stressful.
LOLOLOL! She got ripped off.
I'd let someone pay me that much, but PT isn't THAT hard!
And Elias Parker, Born 3.5 weeks early 12/20/2011
FINALLY!!! After 7 years of infertility!
Before I actually potty trained a child I would have paid for the service. . . I was freaked out about it.
After I actually did it, I laughed because it was much easier than I was making it out to be.
LOL My DD just peed on the rug! You owe me $500 - and a new rug!
$500? How many months' worth of diapers can you buy for that?
No - I wouldn't pay someone to PT my child. DS was pretty easy, although I guess I technically paid someone to assist. He was going to daycare while going through the process
No way - every child is different and there isn't one style of PTing that will work for every child. As my DDs parent, I figured out what worked for her, which was not the 2-day method.
Plus, how weird to have a stranger hanging around your house for 2 days........
I would pay someone to let my kids run around their house with no diapers. My brother's MIL PT'd all his kids in one week that way, pretty stress-free too, because eventually, they just get tired of peeing in their pants.
But we have way too much carpeting and soakable furniture to do it here.
Charlotte Ella 07.16.10
Emmeline Grace 03.27.13
Ditto this! Oh and don't get me wrong, I did have a couple of freak out days, but by day 4, DS didn't have a single accident.
Kaden William 11/4/06 and Dawson Michael 6/30/10
Dawson's first birthday - at the zoo
No, definitely not.
Me too. Much scarier to think about than actually do.
However, if people are willing to pay $500 for 2 days' work, I'm available!