My HPT are sensitive to 20mIU. How does that correlate to a blood draw beta? I have my beta tomorrow, so I am curious if my BFP from POAS 4 days before the beta should mean a bigger beta number or not...
Also, once a positive is confirmed, the beta # isn't very important. More importantly, they want to see your number double within 48-72 hours. This is why most doctors do a few tests.
I guess my question is more along the lines of "is your urine concentration of HCG the same as blood concentration?" On the first day that I got a postive HPT (sensitivity of 20), would my blood HCG concentration have also been around 20, as well?
I guess my question is more along the lines of "is your urine concentration of HCG the same as blood concentration?" On the first day that I got a postive HPT (sensitivity of 20), would my blood HCG concentration have also been around 20, as well?
Well, it is measuring the same thing, however your urine can be affected by how much drink, when you last went to the bathroom, etc. So I would think it depends on those factors. Blood is obviously more accurate and is not skewed by those factors. Again, the number itself doesn't matter as much as if/how quickly it doubles.
Re: Silly question re urine/blood pregnancy tests
There are two types of betas. Quantitative betas measure the amount of HCG in your system. This detects all levels including 1.
A Quantitative beta just measures if HCG exists or does not exist in your blood.
Your HPT will come up positive only at a certain level of HCG - usually 20-25.
There are beta charts online. For most charts, at 14 dpo:
0-5 = negative, 6-25 = inconclusive (test again), 26> = positive.
Charts vary and they vary based on the #dpo you are.
I'm pretty sure HPTs only show + >25 because of the uncertainty of levels lower than that.
Good luck and I hope this answered your question.
Well, it is measuring the same thing, however your urine can be affected by how much drink, when you last went to the bathroom, etc. So I would think it depends on those factors. Blood is obviously more accurate and is not skewed by those factors. Again, the number itself doesn't matter as much as if/how quickly it doubles.