
Anyone have a wood playset?

We are going to build a wood playset for the kids over Memorial Day weekend. We aren't sure though how to anchor it. We are planning on moving next summer so we want to be able to take it with us. Any suggestions?

Re: Anyone have a wood playset?

  • We just got the boys a wooden playset from toys r us, but a co-worker of mine built his kids their playset, he said he didn't anchor it, it's just on a level flat area.  We haven't put our up yet, but from what we see from the instructions, I don't think ours will be anchored either.  Have you tried googling "ways to anchor wooden play sets"???
  • Ours is not anchored.  It's supa heavy.  I've had DD and all the neighborhood kids on it, and it doesn't budge.
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  • Ours is not anchored, but they have support poles at 45 degree angles at each end.  It is really really heavy, and has a wide base.  
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