Cubby's post got me thinking. There's been so many tough things happen to bumpies lately it seems. I consider myself a women of faith, but definately don't have all the answers. This is one I struggle with. Here's my thoughts, but there are still holes in my logic:
Our world is imperfect and fallen. God has also given man free will to choose good or evil. He does soveirgnly intervene, but the why and when of it are past finding out and past our own understanding at times. At other times He lets us see a miracle or His intervention. He is all knowing, powerful, and good. In my own life He has helped in situations, but has also allowed hard things. From the hard things, looking back I am only stronger, and they have tended to change my overall path for the better...
What are your thoughts?
Re: why does God allow bad things to happen?
I think the OP so eloquently stated a good that I would try to find the words for but wouldn't be able to.
But this...
. other than the faith i question is the same faith that helps me heal. ...
yup, that's it in a nutshell!
Well I think of how God gave up His one and only Son and let Him die for us... That's an amazing sacrafice, and that pain that God felt is that same pain that any parent would feel for their child if they lost their child.
I think I just trust that since God is all knowing, that He knows and understands situations better then my puny brain can. I guess there are just some things that we just don't (or can't?) understand.
There is a good book called The Shack. It's very insightful.
I agree with this. I didn't grow up here and so never heard people speak with such reverence until I was an adult. I still find it quite shocking/startling.
I don't believe in God but this reply seems spot on to me, whether you have faith or not. God has nothing to do with it.