Anyone on this board potty learning yet? I've been working with my 18m old b/g twins, and it's going really well!
We are going about it in a very low-key, positive way. We practice attachment parenting and have been ECing since last summer, so this was just a natural extension of that. We are about a week and a half in, and both babies stayed dry ALL night last night and are averaging about one accident a day! :-D Though, we are really only trying to get them to use the potty consistently during the day (not really concerned about night time at this age); it was a nice surprise.
Anyone else working on this this summer? Any tips? What "method" (if any) are you using?
I've been blogging about our progress if anyone is interested in following along (or if you are blogging about it, I'd love to know!). A friend of mine also started a FB group called, "Potty Learning: Summer 2010" that I'm updating on. It's nice to have the support of other mamas!
P.s. I'm also running a CafePress giveaway on my blog right now too!
Re: Who's potty learning?! :-D
well all i've got on potty learning for you is that my boys both loved the book Once upon a Potty. they still quote it "Is it a bird bath...nooo, Is it a flower's a potty for sitting on and making weewee and poopoo." (yeah they love some potty humor at 3 and 5) But we did start reading it when they were 18 months.
ps what's a cafepress give away?
I'll have to check out that book! We are in love with the "Even firefighters go the potty" right now! Haha.
I'm giving away an organic mama shirt and an organic baby/child shirt on my blog. If you check out the link, it has the info. You don't have to do anything except comment on that blog post if you want to enter.
This seems super random! and LOL at potty learning.
random ya think?
but i thought my once upon a potty stuff was good for potty learnin
This sounds like a shameless plug for her blog. In a roundabout way, of course.
ETA: Yup. The last time she posted she was plugging those amber teething necklaces that the kids are wearing in the pics.
DS - December 2006
DD - December 2008