entering K? opinions? It is a program that addresses math and reading skills run by our local public school and will be held at the elementary school matt will be entering in the fall. It starts mid july and ends mid aug and runs 4 days a week 8:30-11:30.
so in a way it's good because it will help with matt transitioning to his new school. in another way I feel that preK is just ending, and as my Dh pointed out he'll be in school for the next forever.
and then i worry if it is not a positive exp. for him, he won't want to go in the fall there.
and then i think this could make the diff. in whether he will attend summer school in the future.
(in case you're wondering it isn't offered to all students in the district, those referred by the prek program and some parent requests)
anyone with exp. with this?
Re: summer school for 5 yr old
well, I suppose it's pros and cons
I'm a teacher but 3rd grade is the youngest I've taught.
Here's my take as a parent/teacher. It will get him acclimated to the school procedures, it is only half day and 4 days a week so it will be an intro. I would assume their program would be structured to be a fun learning experience.
I wonder...did you request it or did the school invite because he needs extra help? If the school invited him then I'd say definitely yes. If you just want him to go for the extras, they do all of that stuff in K.
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he was tested early spring and not below grade level so he didn't qualify for services BUT has been given OT for his motor skills until June. this program does not include OT. and this of course effects math/reading. (the writing aspect esp.)
I'm facing the same decision...ours is a 2 week program (5 days a week). I *think* ours goes out to everyone though, as no one mentioned anything specific to me (I just received a mailer for it yesterday). There are two different 2 week sessions and you can register for either one.
And I, too, am torn on what to do. Part of me is like "it's kindergarten!" I mean, for real. Let's not get too ....prepared for it. Then the other part of me is like "Well, there is nothing wrong with preparation right?!"
But really, my main issue is that I was going to move to the beach house for the summer again. And one week is already being spent at a (rented) cottage with the girls and their kids. Then this 2 week span would be right after that week. So do I pack up me and the kids for three weeks and head to the cottage, then back home to do the kindergarten thing?!!
I don't know. I know, such things to worry about, right?!
I think I'd probably skip it. After his year in kindergarten if it is suggested for next summer then I'd go for it, but before he even enters? Nah.
ditto on the worrying about these things already. i guess it's good to start thinking about them.
and zenya totally feeling the overkill too
But we are leaning towards sending him with the hopes that it will make the start of K that much better for him.