
Double jogging stroller?

Looking for recs in the $200-300 range.  So far the most recommended has been the Schwinn Free Wheeler.  Any others I should check out?

Re: Double jogging stroller?

  • I just ordered the Baby Trend Expedition Dbl from Target, but it's not here yet, so no review obviously. It's $189 with free shipping right now. 


  • I had the Baby Trend Expedition Dbl and LOVED it!!!  I think they have changed them though, mine is about 4 years old.  Mine does not have a swivel wheel, the front wheel is big and locked into place.  That is perfect if you want a true jogger (like you are going to use it strictly for jogging/running), but if you are going to use it for every day use the "locked" front wheel is kind of a PITA.  I believe all of the Baby Trend Expedition Dbls have a swivel wheel now that is lockable, but it is smaller.  I don't know that I would be happy with it.  I have always heard amazing things about the BOB strollers, but don't have any first hand experience, and I think they are pretty $$$$$.
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  • I have the Baby Trend Expedition Double (from BRU 2 years ago), and it's been great for both running and walking.  It's definitely not as nice as a BOB, but I couldn't justify paying that much more money.  
  • I bought the new Baby Trend Double (2 swivel wheels in front). It's perfect for my very large 3 year old (41in./41lbs.) and my 1 yr. old. The only problem is the front wheel wiggles loose a lot. This was a common complaint in the reviews, but it's worth it for the price. We just have to tighten it occasionally. We bought it for a trip to Disneyland, but we've used it at the mall, too. fits through standard doorways w/o having to take it down. Yep, it looks huge, but it fits through single doors!!! Couldn't believe it.
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