

Just wanted to pop by and see how you are doing.  I'm thinking of you and haven't seen an update in awhile.  Hope all is well.
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Re: ::huddlstn::

  • Hey, it looks like you'll know if your cycle worked or not before I even ovulate! 

    My "low and slow" approach with the injections is going VERY slowly.  I injected for 2 weeks before even seeing a rise in my E2 today.  I'll probably be injecting for at least another week (my poor belly!).  We've decided to pay for an IUI this cycle ($800, ugh), because my fertility med coverage will probably last only one more cycle, so we need to give this the best chance possible. 

    Good luck, I hope you get your BFP!

    Lilypie Second Birthday tickers
  • Hopefully slow and steady will win the race witha BFP! 

    IF expenses suck eh? I just found out today insurance won't cover the actul sperm wash.  I didn't think it would but i was holding out hope.  We did b2b so at my clinic that cost $600.  I hope get lucky early on and can start saving money again.

    Twins:BabyFruit TickerBaby Birthday Ticker Ticker

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