
If interested..what I did different for IVF 1 and IVF 2.....IVF 2 = positive!

I was always looking and researching for things to do when I did I thought I would share what I did different between IVF 1 which was a BFN and IVF 2 which was a BFP........

the first time I didnt do any bedrest after transfer, I did 2 days this time

I did accupunture an hour before my transfer, that was it just the one time

I ate pineapple like crazy after my transfer (with the core) I also ate turkey and drank grape juice

I did a 5 day transfer with embryo glue, first time was a 3 day transfer without glue (also did ICIS the second time and not the first)

NOt sure what made the difference or if anything made a difference, but the things I did wouldnt hurt ethier way so thought I was just pass it along....

Photobucket Our IVF miracle, after 5 years, 5 IUIS & 2 IVFs

Re: If interested..what I did different for IVF 1 and IVF 2.....IVF 2 = positive!

  • Hi, who are you?


    What is embryo glue?


    Who are you?



    Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

    TTC Since Dec 2006
    *IVF #1 cancelled at ET*
    *IVF #2 OHSS, transfer cancelled*
    *FET #1 2 frosties, c/p*
    *Lap April 2010, removed endometrioma/endo implants*
    *Surprise BFP June 2010*
    *Beautiful daughter born 2/14/11!!*
    Thoughts from an Overwrought Mind
  • Thanks for tips and congrats to you!  BTW...what exactly is "embryo glue"?


    After DX- IF 1996-16 years old; IVF 1 5/2009 BFP! ;MC- 8 W6d- 6/2009
    DX w/ Protein S Deficiency and unexplained thin lining
    Multiple D&C's, Hysterscopy for removal of Scar Tissue, Endometrial Biopsy, 3 BFN FETs, including a year of cancelled due to lining issues (ranging 4.5 to 6.4),
    Procedure of arcuate uterus, Shocking lining development...9.2.
    Moved on to adoption 3/2011
    Homestudy approved! 6/27/2011
    Forever matched! 7/17/2012
    Precious baby boy born 7/30/2012
    SAIF & PAIF Always Welcome
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  • I have been over on the pregnancy boards, didnt know about this place until I got pregnant. wish I would have, its so nice to have support of people that are going through the same thing as you are......

    embryo glue is something my doctor put on the outside of the 2 embryos that we transfered and I guess it gives you like almost a 30% more of chance of them sticking where they need to stick......or with him I think he had a 30% better success rate when using the glue, its was like $300 more I think

    Photobucket Our IVF miracle, after 5 years, 5 IUIS & 2 IVFs
  • hmmmmm interesting. FWIW, SAIF is probably a better place for you, although I am sure you stopped by with nothing but kindness in mind, that is where we head when we want advice and hope.

    Congrats on the pregnancy.

    Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

    TTC Since Dec 2006
    *IVF #1 cancelled at ET*
    *IVF #2 OHSS, transfer cancelled*
    *FET #1 2 frosties, c/p*
    *Lap April 2010, removed endometrioma/endo implants*
    *Surprise BFP June 2010*
    *Beautiful daughter born 2/14/11!!*
    Thoughts from an Overwrought Mind
  • Oh I see, sorry, what does FWIW stand for?
    Photobucket Our IVF miracle, after 5 years, 5 IUIS & 2 IVFs
  • For what it's worth Wink

    And also, no need to be sorry.

    Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

    TTC Since Dec 2006
    *IVF #1 cancelled at ET*
    *IVF #2 OHSS, transfer cancelled*
    *FET #1 2 frosties, c/p*
    *Lap April 2010, removed endometrioma/endo implants*
    *Surprise BFP June 2010*
    *Beautiful daughter born 2/14/11!!*
    Thoughts from an Overwrought Mind
  • Thanks for sharing the info!  I am going through my first IVF and I found this helpful!
    TTC Child #1 Sept '08, Dx: Unexplained, DOR 2 IUI's = BFN, m/c, IVF 1 = 0 embies to put back, IVF 2 = BFN, IVF 3 = cancelled, IVF 4 = BFP with 1 embie. Our son came into our life on 9/28/11. We are in love! Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • imageKKenworthy12:

    I have been over on the pregnancy boards, didnt know about this place until I got pregnant. wish I would have, its so nice to have support of people that are going through the same thing as you are......

    embryo glue is something my doctor put on the outside of the 2 embryos that we transfered and I guess it gives you like almost a 30% more of chance of them sticking where they need to stick......or with him I think he had a 30% better success rate when using the glue, its was like $300 more I think

    I think you got conned out of $300.  Embryos don't "stick" (even though that's what we say around here), they implant.  No amount of glue is gonna help.

    Me: PCOs DH: Perfect!
    4 Fresh IVF cycles + 1 FET where embies didn't survive the thaw = 2 perfect little men!
    Lilypie Second Birthday tickers
    sFET 11/9/11 - Beta 11/18 BFP!
    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
  • THank you very much!  I am going to write this down and ask my doctor about the "glue"... that is probably just what they call it (somewhat like our own IF terminology!)
  • it may have been a con, but I was told that they stick first where they are going to implant for a few hours before implantation actually begins....I have no idea how true that is or not....I figured why not 300 more dollars with what we all pay for IVF ya know
    Photobucket Our IVF miracle, after 5 years, 5 IUIS & 2 IVFs
  • Embryo Glue is a brand name for a specific brand of transfer medium...



    Not sure if there is any peer reviewed data supporting the claim though.  Glad it worked for you! 

    Our miracle of modern medicine arrived 10-30-10! Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • fascinating! thanks for sharing, and congrats!!
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