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hiding my girl.. pretty sure this seals the deal that my kids aren't allowed in dance.

Re: Horrified........................

  • Miles asked why they are wearing bikinis.. and doesn't it hurt their nuggets.
  • Indifferent

    Ethan {1.11.10} & Malia {12.28.06}
  • Loading the player...
  • For crap's sake, I won't even let my mil give Rory and "up-do" for her flower girl gig because I just want her to look like a little girl.
  • Totally inappropriate, but they are good dancers!!
  • WOW!! on one hand- they totally rocked that dance! On the other hand, they so young and wearing such slutty outfits-but I think thats "normal" for dance outfits, right?


  • Ridiculous.

    Warning No formatter is installed for the format bbhtml
  • imagepincushions:
    Miles asked why they are wearing bikinis.. and doesn't it hurt their nuggets.

    I watched it because of Miles question. Too funny!

    Way too young IMO!

  • OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!  What parent would allow this and what was the dance instructor thinking?????
    Josh-10/1/87, Brittany 3/9/91, Mandi 7/26/92, Michelle 9/11/06 image I'M GRAPE JELLY- ALWAYS AROUND & ALWAYS THE SAME If I leave here tomorrow, would you still remember me. For I must be traveling on now. Because there are too many places I've got to see. -Allen Collins & Ronnie VanZant My favorite verse!
  • OMG....horrible. ?I am so glad Mal's dance teacher is very consertative and age appropriate.
    Riley born 12/12/05 Malorie born 10/30/06 image
  • I was too distracted by the burlesque costumes bearing their mid drift and the movements at the end to realize how good these girls are.

    I know costumes are a part of dance, but at 7-8 this would be a HELL no for me.

  • imagepincushions:

    I know costumes are a part of dance, but at 7-8 this would be a HELL no for me.

    i totally agree.
  • No way would I allow this for DD...great dancers but no way!
  • Am I the only one that doesn't see this as a HUGE deal?  The outfits....pretty standard for dance (from what I have seen anyway).  They are usually a skirt of some sort and a half shirt....belly is always showing.

    And while some of the dance moves were, provocative....I'm not sure the ones doing it even comprehend that.  To them, they are shaking their booties and having fun.  My 3.5 year old puts her arms over her head and shakes her booty.  Funny funny stuff.  And not something she has been taught (unless Spongebob or Dora does that stuff?!!  LOL). 

    I think they are super talented and did a great job. 

  • They are midget.....they are 22 year old midgets...they HAFTA be!!! 







    cuz if not, that's insane.  Stupid dance teacher and stupid parents.  Poor taste for 8 year olds.

  • imageJodi&Joe:

    Am I the only one that doesn't see this as a HUGE deal?  The outfits....pretty standard for dance (from what I have seen anyway).  They are usually a skirt of some sort and a half shirt....belly is always showing.

    And while some of the dance moves were, provocative....I'm not sure the ones doing it even comprehend that.  To them, they are shaking their booties and having fun.  My 3.5 year old puts her arms over her head and shakes her booty.  Funny funny stuff.  And not something she has been taught (unless Spongebob or Dora does that stuff?!!  LOL). 

    I think they are super talented and did a great job. 

    but don't you think the get a message from this?  I think at that age, the dance costumes can (and should) be more leotard-ish...not belly showing. 

    Don't get me wrong, my girls LOVE that song.  They wave their hands back and forth when it comes on the radio.  But, I would not want my kids wearing those uniforms and dancing like that until they are 16 or older.

    My girls are dancing to Lion King  "Just can't wait to be King"  (tap) and this song (ballet):

  • holy inappropriate! they pulled off the dance but OMG!!!  I'm rethinking putting dd in dance in a couple of years!
  • imageJodi&Joe:

    Am I the only one that doesn't see this as a HUGE deal?  The outfits....pretty standard for dance (from what I have seen anyway).  They are usually a skirt of some sort and a half shirt....belly is always showing.

    And while some of the dance moves were, provocative....I'm not sure the ones doing it even comprehend that.  To them, they are shaking their booties and having fun.  My 3.5 year old puts her arms over her head and shakes her booty.  Funny funny stuff.  And not something she has been taught (unless Spongebob or Dora does that stuff?!!  LOL). 

    I think they are super talented and did a great job. 

    I am  a hypocrite because yes I allow bikinis but The Buddha in her bikini isn't shaking her junk.

    They would have done just as well in something that didn't resemble valentines day at Victoria Secrets.


  • imageJodi&Joe:

    Am I the only one that doesn't see this as a HUGE deal?  The outfits....pretty standard for dance (from what I have seen anyway).  They are usually a skirt of some sort and a half shirt....belly is always showing.

    And while some of the dance moves were, provocative....I'm not sure the ones doing it even comprehend that.  To them, they are shaking their booties and having fun.  My 3.5 year old puts her arms over her head and shakes her booty.  Funny funny stuff.  And not something she has been taught (unless Spongebob or Dora does that stuff?!!  LOL). 

    I think they are super talented and did a great job. 

    The PROBLEM I see? Is HUGE. These are little girls dancing as though they are 25 year old hootchies. Let them be young and innocent. Why make them act provocatively? This is what gets pedophiles off, its sick

  • Mel and Jeff - I agree, those girls could have showed off their skills just as well in something LESS revealing and to a song other then one about liking it and putting a ring on it.


  • I JUST got my amazon book order.  One of the books I'm about to read is So Sexy So Soon, specifically addressing the growing problem of oversexualizing children, specifically girls, and what parents can do to prevent this.

    I'll let you know if its good.

    But, this is just sad.  I agree with the "let them be kids"...they can dance like that when they are older.

  • imageJodi&Joe:

    Am I the only one that doesn't see this as a HUGE deal?  The outfits....pretty standard for dance (from what I have seen anyway).  They are usually a skirt of some sort and a half shirt....belly is always showing.

    And while some of the dance moves were, provocative....I'm not sure the ones doing it even comprehend that.  To them, they are shaking their booties and having fun.  My 3.5 year old puts her arms over her head and shakes her booty.  Funny funny stuff.  And not something she has been taught (unless Spongebob or Dora does that stuff?!!  LOL). 

    I think they are super talented and did a great job. 

    The outfits are....iffy. I think they were too much, but in the end, it could have been worse. 

    It's the choreography that was killing me. There is a HUGE difference between your darling shaking her groove thing around your living room because it's fun, and this group of 7 year olds who are dancing on stage to a VERY provocatively choreographed dance.  Some of those moves made me physically uncomfortable, and I am no prude. Seeing those itty bitty girls performing moves that are very specifically meant to be sexy and 'naughty' is shameful.

    These girls are TALENTED. Like, crazy talented. But it's wasted on everyone gawking at them when they thrust and gyrate. Gross. And shame on their parents for allowing them to perform that. The choreographer is to blame as well, but the parents should have stopped it.

  • I don't have a problem with the outfits at all...they were pretty conservative although they could have been much more so I suppose.  The song and certainly the dance moves were way above their age level.  I doubt the parents of those kids wouldn't like to see their 13-14 year olds on the dancefloor doing those moves with boys.  Not appropriate for that age group at all.
  • I used to dance like that all.time.time...



    Maybe I initially overreacted on the outfits.  But ditto, hopefulmom.  Not the dance moves I want to see them doing with boys. 


  • I think I would be bothered more if they WERE 13-14.  I'm not even sure I can explain that...b/c it probably doesn't make any sense to anyone else.  But something about them being young and doing those moves....I don't know.  It just makes me think of Cam, who has NO idea that if a grown woman were to dance the way she does, that it could be considered naughty (or whatever word you want to insert here).


  • Yeah, the outfits look a bit too much like lingerie for my taste. Good dancers, but dropping low and booty shakes shouldn't be a part of a dance routine for girls that young.
  • I don't really mind the amount of skin...but the actual outfits are lingerie-esque (red & black w/ lace) & that bothers me.  Dance outfits for kids shouldn't be like lingerie. The moves are also too much...there are simulated sex movements in the routine they could have easily been avoided.  I disagree that it appeals to pedophiles though--pedophiles are attracted to kids who look like kids...not kids trying to look like adults--that's an assumption people often mistakenly make...if anything it's like they are trying to turn on normal adult men--just like in the real video & that is just wrong.    
    AKA Carol*Brady! IHO my upcoming 10yr Nestiversary--Back to old screenname. My own Marsha, Jan & Cindy... imageDesigning a Life Blog
  • #6#6 member

    These outfits are NOT standard for dance for 7-8 yr olds.  I danced from 3yrs up to 7th grade and NEVER had a midriff showing dance costume.  

    If my child was issued that costume I would say HELL no to paying for it or allowing her to wear it.  I would also question the dance BEFORE the recital.  

    IF I were a parent and my child was on stage dancing like that half naked I would walk onto the stage grab her and take her out.  NO way should young girls be dancing like they are auditioning for a strip club.  I understand hip hop and jazz but not that.  That was NOT acceptable.  OH and I only watched the first 30seconds of it.  


  • NMangerNManger member
    That makes me sick! A pedophiles fantasy online! I find the outfits and the booty popping, chest thrusting disgusting. That's not dance to me it's like a baby strip club.
  • DimplzDimplz member
    Totally inappropriate, but they are good dancers!!
    Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers
  • my impressions on the junior pussycat dolls:

    outfits were trashy because they were sexy underwear like

    individually they could dance but they were kinda sloppy together (i know i know they are like 7-10 yrs old, but if they're going to attempt to dance like 20 year olds, my expectations are high)

    their intensity was just odd and didn't even fit the song ( the whole they're trying to pull off something they are not old enough for).

    so, although i think the footage was supposed to be showcasing their talent it overall was a fail for me.




    Patty Matt 4/7/05 and Sean 12/14/06 image
  • imagej*w*:
    Totally inappropriate, but they are good dancers!!

    HA!  This was my exact response when a friend posted this video on FB last week.  Although it's totally inappropriate (and gross even when Beyonce performs it!!!), those girls have some moves!  But yeah...not MY daughter!

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • As a parent of a 9 year old DD, there is no way on God's green Earth would I let her do that.


    I'd yank her out of that class so fast, her head out spin.  It's impressive dancing, but NOT meant for such a young age group.  And they look over sexualized.

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