DD will be four in June.She has always been a great listener and rarely would she throw a fit. Lately she has been throwing huge fits about not being able to decide what to wear. I have always let her decide what to wear even if it is totally off the wall. Today she spent an hour in just jeans and tennis shoes because she could not decide on a shirt. She had school at 12:15. At 12:10 I literally had to wrestle a shirt on her and wrestle her into the van kicking and screaming. Once at school she was fine. Monday we miss gymnastics because she couldn't decide on a leotard. I made her stay home and nap instead of going. today I think she thought she wouldn't have to go to school too if she didn't decide. She only has three days left. This is not what I want to teach her. I don't know why this is a problem all of the sudden.
Any suggestions??? Need help with the clothes problem and the fits.
Re: Help Please...4 Yr old getting dressed
My twins pick out their clothes every morning. We've only had a problem on two occasions. I told them if they can't pick something, then they'll go to daycare in their pajamas. I've also thought about them picking them out the night before so we don't have am drama.
Honestly, I would pick out a few options for her and then let her choose one of them. I do this for DD and it works out okay.
On the occasion, she doesn't like any of them - too bad. I put one of them on her. She complains, then I remind that I'm the mom and I get final say.
I wonder if she'd do better with fewer things to chose from? Maybe you could lay out 2 or 3 complete outfits to pick from. Or maybe the night before have her choose an outfit for the next day and leave it set out on her dresser.
ETA: Or do what I do and never get caught up on your laundry folding so she only has a couple of outfits in her drawer to chose from.
I'm guessing there are just too many choices and she's getting stumped.
We give DD the choice of dress, pants, or both. (leggings & dress) We narrow down from there. If I just sat her down in front of her dresser she'd just play with everything & still be in her underwear.
If she chooses pants, I take out 2 shirts & let her choose, she chooses her socks & underwear, and I usually pick the pants.
This is what we do too. DD do you want this shirt or this one. That way she still gets a say without hours of trying to pick.
Charlotte Ella 07.16.10
Emmeline Grace 03.27.13