It is in our papers that the ex will pay half of all medical bills and school costs. I just paid a medical bill yesterday, and enrolled L in preschool so I paid the registration fee.
Our lawyers agreed that I can mail ex the receipts and state that he has two weeks to repay me.
How do I word the letter to accompany the receipts? I want something along the lines of here is what I made and what for, and please send payment by xx date. It doesn't need to be long, but I just need some help with what it should say. I will use this format for years to come. thanks!
Re: And, now, I actually need some help. (re: ex)
I would just keep it short and sweet....medical bills total owe 50; preschool total for registration owe 25!
Your total 75.00 due to me by (date)
Edit: I would also put the date that the medical bill was for so he can't say he already paid that one if you get another one or even attach a copy of the receipt would be great!
Dear X,
Recently, I have paid for a medical bill and paid registration for dc's camp. The receipts are enclosed. DC is really looking forward to camp. i am glad that we can work together to provide DC with this experience.
Many Thanks,
DoucheBag (his real name of course),
On (Date), I paid $XX for registration for DS's camp. check #---- (and attach copy of the receipt) Per our divorce agreement, your half is due to me by (2 weeks from now).
On (date), I paid $XX for DS's pediatrician bill, check #---- (and attach receipt). Per our divorce agreement...blah blah blah.
On 5/11/10, I paid medical bill for X for L (I would say what it is for), and it was $X. Also, I signed him up for preschool at X school and paid the registration fee of $X. Per our agreement, your portion is $X ($X for the medical bill and $X for the preschool registration fee) by X date. I have included copies of the receipts for both of these transactions, so you can have them for your records.
- I would just keep it as businesslike and informative as possible.
Dear Ex,
As discussed in our arrangement, I am enclosing receipts for L's school and medical bills.
Attached please find the following:
-$100 enrollment fee for preschool.
-$100 for L's "bloodwork/office visit, etc" (insert medical need here)
You are responsible for $100. Please send a check to me by 6/1/10.
I would send a copy of the insurance statement/bill (showing how much insurance covered. . . and then assuming you would each cover 50% of the non-insured portion) as well as the receipt.
I know in our situation, DH is responsible for 50% AFTER insurance and if the ex doesn't use an in-network provider or doesn't use the insurance at all, we modify what we'd reimburse.
Maybe it's overkill for your situation, but it's what we need to do to keep everything kosher.
Yes, I included the insurance statement. As well as the receipts.