I think my DS might have pink eye. I gave him some benadryl tonight just in case it is allergies (not a lot of goop yet) but I am guessing we will know for sure in the morning. Anyway, do you have any tips for putting in eyedrops if he does have pink eye?
Re: question about pink eye
I scared him into it..lol. I told DS1 if he didn't let me do it he'd have to go to the dr so they could do it. I know, horrible, but it works for him.
FWIW, we had the viral pink eye and it went thru all 4 kids in 4 days...not to horrible, and didn't really affect them in terms of activity.
Viral and bacterial. As soon as I noticed something with DS1, I took him to the pedi to try to prevent the other kids from getting it. We got an antibiotic...which will keep him from being contagious after 24 hrs and symptom relief after 48 hrs. If something else happened (different time frames) then we knew it was viral. So....we started that antibiotic right away and he was symptom free in 12 hrs.....(but viral can be contagious up to 2 weeks or more)..so all the kids got it and it moved quick...like I said all 4 were over it in 4 days.