DS is still nursing so I know that he gets his "fluids" from me, but since he won't take a bottle, I have really been trying to work with him on the sippy cup since that will give me a LITTLE more freedom... if I know he can at least drink a little juice or something until I get back (I'm talking like an hour here, not all day).
I started months ago with the Nuby soft spouts that are clear. He chews on them to get the drink out - I think HE thinks this is the right way to do it. I stopped giving him those adn started doing soft spouts with valves in hopes that he would realize that chewing on it didn't do anything. Didn't work.
He always goes for DS1's cups which are mostly straw sippies, so I tried a few of those with him. No go. he just doesn't get it.
Any tips, suggestions, better cups to try? I'm fine with nursing him, would just love to know that if I can't get back before he is hungry/thirsty, he has an option. Thanks!
Re: Need help getting DS to "get" the sippy cup
My DS also chews the Nub ones. I'm wondering if it is some sort of developmental thing?
We've had the best luck by teaching him to sip out of real cups (us holding and controlling the flow of course).
A Pocket Full Of Dinosaurs
DS never took a bottle, so I think the concept of sucking on anything other than when BF'ing didn't make sense to him. I tried a ton of sippy cups, but finally just took the valves out of them. This way, he could get the liquid without sucking, but the flow was still a bit controlled.
After a couple of months, I added the valves and he had no problem with them.
DS only got the take and toss style ones (no valve). PITA b/c they spill.
DD got it right away. IDK why they were different.
This is exactly what I was thinking as well. On the RARE occasion that he sucks and gets juice, he looks at me like WTF just happened? Too funny
I had to cut back on a nursing session (when DD was 13 months old) to make her more thirsty get her to take a sippy. . . and I had to take the valve out. I had been trying since she was 6 months old.
Clearly I have no great ideas except to "just keep trying"