Here is a cool thing that will be going on at Solomon Pond Mall. I know Reid isnt the only one that loves firefighters so I thought I would share...
Solomon Pond Mall
Friday, May 14 from 3 pm ? 9 pm
Saturday, May 15
from 10 am ? 4pm
Hosted by
Marlborough Firefighters Local 1714 in the In Macy?s parking lot. Over
100 of the Northeast?s Firefighters will compete in ?The Toughest Two
Minutes in Sports?. Near the adult versi...on the Kid's Firefighter Challenge (KFC)
provides a tangible method of capturing the enthusiasm of children and
channeling it in a positive direction.
See More
Reid 9-17-05
Grace 6-2-07
Owen 10-19-11
Re: Central MA moms
More info....
About The Firefighter Challenge
Welcome to the Scott Firefighter Combat Challenge?- seen on ESPN for a dozen years, now on Versus. The Challenge annually attracts hundreds of U.S. and Canadian municipal fire departments at more than 25 locations and is now expanding to countries around the world, including New Zealand, Germany, Argentina, Chile, and South Africa. The Challenge seeks to encourage firefighter fitness and demonstrate the profession's rigors to the public. Wearing "full bunker gear" and the SCOTT Air-Pak breathing apparatus, pairs of competitors race head-to-head as they simulate the physical demands of real-life firefighting by performing a linked series of five tasks including climbing the 5-story tower, hoisting, chopping, dragging hoses and rescuing a life-sized, 175 lb. "victim" as they race against themselves, their opponent and the clock.Sounds fun