This month is flying by. I went today for my b/w and u/s follie check. The RE found two folicles one measuring 14 and the other 16 she wants them to grow a little larger so I will trigger tomorrow and my 1st IUI is set up for Friday at 9:30am.
Any advice on the easiest way to take the trigger shot?
Any advice on preparing for the IUI?
Re: Follie Check
Is it an IM trigger shot? In your butt? If so, just shift the weight off of the side you are injecting it in (either lean on something and shift your weight off or lay down--face down--on the bed). You can ice before hand if you want.
As far as the IUI--there really isn't anything you need to do or know.
Good luck!
TI, IUIs, IVF = c/ps and BFNs
I was told to take the trigger shot in the stomach.. not a fan of needles so hubby does it after i numb the area.
IUI is like a pap.. you'll be crampy after.
Wishing you good luck.
I don't really have any advice on the trigger (my DH always did it and since it was on the top of my butt I never saw how he did it) but it was easy and pretty painless.
As far as the IUI goes...if DH wasn't with me I brought a book to read for the 20 or so minutes I had to lay around after. It was nice to be distracted and helped me relax.
Diagnosed PCOS & MFI-Success with IUI
DH gave me my trigger in the stomach two fingers below the belly button.
IUI was very similar to a pap.
Good luck!
Thank you ladies.
Good luck to everyone as well.
I will keep everyone posted on how everything goes.