It's not worse today, which is good, but it doesn't look like it's gone down yet either.
It's an encephaloma hematoma, which is a just a hematoma outside of the skull, thank goodness.
The pedicatrician, who called it unique which is not something you want to hear about your child, says that the body will reabsorb the blood. I know this is true, but because of the size of it, it will take forever.
Looks aside, whenever it's bumped, it hurts him a great deal. And by bumped I mean if he goes to rub his eyes and his hand slips up and knocks his own forehead, he cries and buries his little face in my neck. It hurts. Not to mention he's clumsy as it is AND has a 3 year old brother and they play together.
I am thinking, though, that I should get a second opinion. Frankly, I know everything the pediactrician said is true and if they do take a needle to it and drain it, it would introduce infection and I'm not okay with an infection on his skull.
Not to mention that they wouldn't do it, they'd send me down to Children's for this.
But I really don't know how long I can wait. I imagine it'll take at least a month if not more to see some noticable results.
He's such a sweet little, low maintenance dude that I can't believe this has happened.
Oh, and what happened was he had a cold, then croup, then the rest of the cold/sinus infection and for the course of several nights, he'd wake up in the middle of the night when the medication wore off and he'd bang his head on his crib, I imagine, because of the pressure in his head. We'd go in as soon as possible, but I think the last night he did this, he damaged a blood vessel in his forehead. I'm not sure though, but it's not hard like a traditional goose egg. It's soft. Which is scary.
Re: About the bump.
Oh Steph, I just saw the post with the picture and fb. Poor B, he is such a sweet little guy. Hearing that it hurts just makes me so sad. I don't know what to tell you, but a 2nd opinion probably would not hurt. I hope it gets better soon. Let me know if there is anything we can do.
Poor little guy!!!!
yes, I'd probably try to get a second opinion.
Scary, hope he's better soon!
L-R: Liam (7), Eimhin (6) and Fionn (4)! (Irish names)
Too busy to update the pics for now ...
I'm so sorry Steph!
And I too welled up with the description of him rubbing his eyes and having his hand slip....those are the little things that you forget about as they get older but I could vividly picture a little one (his age) doing that. Breaks my heart!
I, too, think you should get a second opinion. For no other reason than your gut, obviously, is telling you to!!!! (((HUGS))) for you and B!
My cousin had a bump like that when she was a baby. Her older brother who was 3 accidentally wacked her with a toy car. My aunt saw it happen - and it wasn't really a hard blow ... just the right spot on her forehead.
I don't remember all the details but I know they didn't do anything to it (like having it drained). It did stick around for a while and my aunt and uncle had to deal with the "oh what happened" questions a lot but now she's 20 and you would have never known it was there. big hugs to you both.
Ethan {1.11.10} & Malia {12.28.06}