
Is this normal pg cramping?

I cant remember whats normal and whats not.  I am having some cramping it seems to be comming and going its not really bad pain wise but I can feel it..  Its only on my left side and is really low.  Right around my pubic bone.  Is this normal?  I have been kind of feeling like im going to start my period all day.  Im just over 4 weeks along.  I had to have my right fallopian tube due to a ectopic pregnancy in 05 so it worries me due to thats the side I have the tube in.  I also have had no bleeding.

Re: Is this normal pg cramping?

  • 2JB20042JB2004 member
    I had cramping on my left side when I was 4-6 weeks...I too was worried about it being eptopic.  I ended up having an ultrasound to ease my worries and everything was where it was supposed to be.  The Dr told me that sometimes the ovary that is supporting the pregnancy can cause cramping to just be on one side
  • No idea if it's normal or not but I had it both times from implantation - about 6-7 weeks. ?Felt like a constant ovulation cramp that wouldn't quit.
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  • So it sounds normal.  Unless I start bleeding I wont worry about it. 
  • I had awful cramping for weeks with my last pregnancy. I had an ectopic that ruptured in '04 so I was constantly worried about another one, but right around when I hit 7 weeks the cramping suddenly stopped. I'd say that unless you are bleeding bright red blood you are probably okay.

    Congrats on the pg btw!

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  • I had horrible cramping from before my BFP until about 8 weeks. Everything was fine!
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