
Surgery Scheduled

I am scheduled to have Laproscopy and Cystoscopy in early June. Hope they can fix me!!

Anyone have experience with either? 

Re: Surgery Scheduled

  • I've had two laps...both times were to remove cysts. My first recovery was ok--it took about a week or so for me to feel back to normal. My second surgery was a lot more invasive (it actually ended up not being a true lap as they had to do an emergency incision that cut me wide open) and that recovery was awful. But again, not a true lap.

    Good luck! 

    TTC #1 since June 2008 *SAIFW*

    TI, IUIs, IVF = c/ps and BFNs

  • Thanks! 

    They told me to expect a 4-5 day recovery time frame, but that was when they were just doing the Lap. After the HSG and US I had on Thursday they saw a mass in my Uterus that needs to be removed. They don't really know exactly what it is. I didn't get a chance to talk to the RE on Thursday (the ARNP told me about the mass and the need to remove it). I am not patient enough to wait till my Pre-Op appointment which isn't till the 19th, to get an idea of what to expect.

    If you don't mind me asking...where did they make the "cut" during the 2nd surgery? Is it crazy to be worried about scars? 

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  • imagesligarhill:

    I am scheduled to have Laproscopy and Cystoscopy in early June. Hope they can fix me!!

    Anyone have experience with either? 

    I'm having a myomectomy done on 6/3 to remove a fibroid and cyst and look for other issues like endometriosis. The incision for that procedure is at the bikini line just like a c-section incision. The laparscopic surgery is like 3-4 small incisions and less invasive than a myomectomy. I was told they go through the belly button and maybe down below where your pubic bone is. I'm not looking forward to mine. =(

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