So, I just got home from having my progesterone blood test. I won't find out the results till my doctor calls me Wednesday. And now we wait....ugh!
Today is 10 days past trigger. I want to POAS. But...I think I want to wait till I find out if I actually ovulated. Then I keep thinking....what if it is positive, but is just the trigger?
Re: The Waiting Game
Maybe you can POAS tomorrow? Then it'll be 11 days past trigger, but I think that might still be a bit early to get a +.
Could you call the clinic tomorrow and ask for the result over the phone? I'm surprised they won't give you the result.
My doctor splits his time between two offices. The office closest to my house, where I had the blood draw, he isn't in that office until wednesday. I think he wants to see the results before he shares them with me. So, now I wait.
I don't want to test before I find out my progesterone results. I think I will ask my doctor on wednesday when I can test and have reliable results! lol