Someone I know told me she isn't finding out the gender of her baby because she read that PPD happens MORE often to those who know the gender of their child before.
Soooooo---if you had PPD, did you know the gender of your child BEFORE delivering?
For me, I got PPD the worst the one time I DIDN'T know the gender, so I was surprised to hear this....
Re: Clicky survey for those who had PPD
special snowflak -
With DD I didn't know
With DS I did
Had it both times
Never had it with the girls - and I knew I was having girls.
Didn't know what Drew was and I am still fighting a daily battle with awful PPD/PPA.
{Ava 5.16.06} {Ella 12.29.07} {Drew 2.9.10}
This, or at least ask the same question again for people w/o PPD.
Otherwise you may just be measuring an artifact of more people knowing ahead of time nowadays (PPD or not)