

Does anyone take yoga?

I've been thinking about it for a while but I don't know anything about it. I took one class at my gym, but it was so big and crowded, that I couldn't relax. So in looking for a private studio for group classes, what are things to look for? How about in terms of the different types of yoga? I just want something relaxing - I don't think I would ever be able to take the hot yoga classes!

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Re: Yoga?

  • I go to yoga and I love it.  Hatha is a good basic type to start with.  Bikram is the hot yoga and I don't do that and don't think I would find it enjoyable.  I also enjoy ashtanga which is a bit more advanced but traditionally you do the same poses in the same order (lots of structure) which allows you to really focus on yourself rather than trying to figure out what you're supposed to be doing.  I've also done some Vinyasa which is more 'flow' from one pose to another and allow some individual variation but I don't really like it as well. 

    I would ask for recommendations from other people.  I've tried other classes/instructors before and hated it until a friend took me to my current instructors classes and now I love it.  She is so encouraging and really accepting of all ability levels and encourages you to accept where your body is as well.  She also does a meditation at the end and you get a foot rub which is my favorite part!  :-)

    TTC since August 2008 4 cycles Femara = BFN Dx PCOS February 2010, 1000 mg Metformin XR IUI #1: Dexamethasone + Femara + Ovidrel + Progesterone = BFN IUI #2: Dexamethasone + Femara + Ovidrel + Progesterone = BFP! Our son arrived January 17, 2011!
  • Thanks so much for explaining! I think I'm going to try out one of the studios near my house this week and see what happens!
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    Lilypie First Birthday tickers
    Thank you IVF for our little miracles!!
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