
Food Allergy moms - question for you...

I have to provide snack for DD's class tomorrow at school. She has a boy in class who is allergic to eggs, wheat, and dairy.

What can I bring for snack that he's included?I feel bad that he can't eat what the other's eat.

Audrey Elizabeth 11-11-06 image

Re: Food Allergy moms - question for you...

  • Fruit kabobs, fruit cups, Glutino pretzels, raisins
  • Fruit kabobs, apple slices, raisins, grapes, carrot sticks.  
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  • Are you making it or buying it? At whole foods or wegmans there are a few options as far as cookies/ crackers without those ingredients. Wheat is tough to avoid in store bought products along with other things. You can get wheat free, but I find most things have something else in them.

    veggies, (optional dip/ peanut butter) fruit. Fritos (not healthy but a good allergy free snack) we do cereals, captain crunch, kix (corn based).

    applesauce, hummus and corn chips, maybe salsa?

    If you are baking you can get oat flour, and ener-g egg replacer and oat milk and make cupcakes.

    Katherine Proud Mommy and Foster Mommy
  • Honestly, I would stick with fruits and veggies and maybe something to dip them in like hummus?  My older DS has food allergies and we always send his own snack to preschool and to be honest I wouldn't trust the school or another parent not familiar with allergies to be responsible for my son's safety.  You never know how sensitive the child is and he may not even be able to have something that was processed in a facility that also processes eggs, wheat or dairy.  I just wouldn't risk it but if you feel really strongly about including everyone (which is very kind!) then I would stick with the fruits and veggies.  We have always given my son's teachers the thumbs up to give our son any fruit or veggie that the rest of the class is having.  HTH
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  • What about apple slices and Sunbutter?  Both my boys love this.  Or veggies and hummus?

    That's sweet of you to make sure he's able to be included.  :)

  • Thanks for the ideas. I was planning on fruit, but wanted something else too. Maybe I'll try the subutter.
    Audrey Elizabeth 11-11-06 image
  • My daughter has those same 3 allergies. Her favorite snacks are fruit snacks, suckers, applesauce cups and Trix.
    Lilypie First Birthday tickers Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers
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