
Soft raised bump on forehead?

My littlest has what I thought was just a large goose egg on his forehead.  I mean large, like the size of ping pong ball.

I thought it was a goose egg until MH touched it last night and it's soft and squishy.  Which really worries me.

I'm taking him in first thing but does anyone know anything about something like this?  It looks rosy, so it could be filled with blood.  I'm just worried that they're going to lance it, drain it and I'll have to pack it, etc.  I've had enough of those types of wounds, and enough of head wounds for him as it is.

It also hasn't gone down in 4 days as I expected it to. 

And if it gets bumped, it causes him an awful lot of pain. 



Me with my littlest.

Re: Soft raised bump on forehead?

  • My son had this and it appeared to be an insect bite of some type and some sort of reaction.  Did you try Benedryl to see if this helps?  I hope you figure it out soon and he is fine!
  • Well, I think I know what it's from.  He had a cold, then croup, then the rest of the cold for nearly 3 weeks and he would wake up when the medicine wore off and bang his head on his crib, I imagine, because of the pressure in his head.

    We'd go in, of course, as fast as we could, but he still was hurting his head.

    This is residual damage from that; something that I expected to heal by now and it hasn't.


    Me with my littlest.
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