
T&P Needed If You Have Them

Just went to see my mom and got some sad news. My grandma is dying. She is 86 and had a great life, but she is my last living grandparent. Apparently she had another stroke this morning and her heart is failing. Her nursing home called for family members. She is in FL and I dont know if I can or should be flying now. Ughhh. This sucks. She has always been my idol. Any T&P would be appreciated. Thanks ladies.
DX: Unexplained IF/possible PCOS 5/5/2010 Surprise BFP! After 2 miscarriages and many prayers, our angel is here:) Photobucket Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Re: T&P Needed If You Have Them

  • Thoughts and prayers to your family
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • I'm very sorry!  T&P for you and your family.
    TTC since 8/2004
    Me - DX Hashimoto's Disease, Hypothyroid, Rheumatoid Arthritis
    DH - DX Azoospermia - Sertoli Cell Syndrome
    DS-IUI #1-4 BFN IVF #1 - BFP! It's a boy!!!
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
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  • Sorry to hear about your grandmother.  T&P to you and your family.
  • T&P to your family!  Sorry to hear about your grandmother.

    Warning No formatter is installed for the format bbhtml
  • T&P sent!!!
    Warning No formatter is installed for the format bbhtml
  • sending thoughts and prayers your way
    Missed M/C 2/2005- 7 weeks- D&C Missed M/C 4/2008- 6 weeks- D&C Missed M/C 09/2009- 6 weeks- D&C Blighted Ovum 01/2010 DX: 13:14 Balanced Translocation Carrier BFP: 03/15/2011 results in Baby Boy born 10/12/11 @ 34w1d! Lilypie Premature Baby tickers
  • ams8099ams8099 member
    Oh honey. T&P for you & your family.
    Our IVF Miracles! Lilypie Premature Baby tickers
  • I am so sorry.  Talk to your doctor about flying.  I booked my Europe trip knowing full well I may be at the end of 1st tri if this cycle works.  She assured me it is safe to fly all the way up until 3d tri.
    imageBaby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • My thoughts are with you and your family right now.  Please take care.



    DS1 born July 2002 (previous marriage).

    TTC since Oct 08. DH Dx w/testicular cancer March 09.
    MFI due to retrograde ejaculation/azoospermia.
    5/2 IVF #1 cancelled due to large follie.
    6/14 start Lupron for IVF #1.2. 6/22 start stims.
    7/4 ER and Biopsy.
    7/9 Transferred 2 (1-4BB and 1-3BB) embryos.  4 frosties.
    7/15 +HPT 6dp5dt. 7/18 Beta #1: 193. 7/20 Beta #2: 415.
    8/10 1st u/s - It's triplets!

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

  • Sending T&P to you.
  • T&P's. (((HUGS))

    Warning No formatter is installed for the format bbhtml
  • I'm very sorry to hear this.  T & P out to you!  Take Care!
    TTC Child #1 Sept '08, Dx: Unexplained, DOR 2 IUI's = BFN, m/c, IVF 1 = 0 embies to put back, IVF 2 = BFN, IVF 3 = cancelled, IVF 4 = BFP with 1 embie. Our son came into our life on 9/28/11. We are in love! Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • I'm so sorry to hear that. Thoughts and prayers to you & your family!
  • I'm so sorry you had to hear that news... and on Mother's Day.  T&P with you and your family.
    Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

  • prayers for you and your family :hugs:
    Tara & Dave - TTC since September 2006
    PCOS - dx 1999 (amenorrhea) | freakishly long fallopian tubes
    Hypoglycemic | thyroid issues | severely anemic
    Multiple Clomid cycles of 50, 100, 150 - absolutely no response
    Follistim 50/100 | Follistim 75/125 | Follistim 100/150 IUI - all BFNs
    Converted IVF - BFP - m/c | FET - BFN | IVF #2 = BFN
    IVF #3
  • I am so sorry to hear about your grandmother. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family tonight. ::hugs::
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