Morning! Happy Mothers Day!
I wanted your opinion- I planted my pedestals and boxes yesterday (I'll try to take pics and send via email) and tonight and tomorrow night will be in the low 30's. Do you think I should bring them into the shed b/c of frost? I guess I'm doing them slightly earlier this year, so I've no experience with this, or what temp is too cold for them.
Re: Yodajo
Happy Mother's Day!
Yes, I would bring them in. It was that temp last night here and I put all mine in the garage last night and will again tonight. For me, I bring any annuals in once it gets in the 30s. Its just not worth risking it.
Send pics when you can and have a great day!
Thanks, that's just what I was going to do. Crap, I hope they were okay last night, i didn't know it was going to be so cool.
I took some pics of the containers just now, I will send. I also took some pics of the front, as I always want to have "before" pics
and will send those your way as well.
I just did so much research regarding pruning my perennials, and I'm so excited about doing that this year to keep everything much more compact. Last year was the second summer everything was in, and I did no pruning, am fairly inexperienced in that dept. A few things in particular (balloon flower and garden phlox) got so leggy and floppy it looked horrible.
well, I have the site for you! LMK if you want me to send you the link.
And I found a good book on this too "The Well Tended Perennial Garden" by Tracy DiSabato