
Clomid & Dr Concerns

I've been taking 50mg of Clomid for four months now. I haven't seen my Fertility Dr Since he Perscribed the medication. They did one blood test the first month and thats it. I called To find out if I'm supposed to be doing any other test and they told me, "Call us if your have a BFP or 6 months on clomid has passed w/o BFP." I figured since I only have one tube I'd be monitored a lil more? Anyone taking Clomid "Waiting it Out" or actually have Dr's that see's them on a regular basis?

Re: Clomid & Dr Concerns

  • Is this an RE?  Either way, I'd find another doc.  I wouldn't do 6 unmonitored Clomid cycles.  You don't know if it's working.  You don't know how many follies (if any) you're making.  What if you need a higher dose?  What if it has thinned your lining beyond function?

    Also, I'd want CD3 b/w and u/s, 7DPO b/w, an HSG and a SA before doing Clomid.

  • I wasn't put on Clomid until DH did an SA, and I was also monitored throughout each Clomid cycle. I'd start shopping around for a new doc. GL!
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  • SM607SM607 member
    Sry I'm a Newbie. I don't know what a RE is? This Is a fertility specialist. I've Taken all the necessary tests to get to the point where they determined that I need to take clomid. They actually said IVF was my best option since my HSG determined I have one blocked tube. I've had U/S Pre Clomid. The only test they have done Post Clomid is a progesterone test my first round and I was at a 28.9. Since then Nada. I've wanted to contact them but I wasn't sure if because I was just taking clomid if I was actually supposed to be monitored. I wanted to get someone's advice first. I'll also look into getting a new Doctor. Thank you.
  • SM607SM607 member
    P.S  DH's SA came back fine as well.
  • I had 2 RE's and 2 Ob's that were the same way. Between them all I ended up taking 16 rounds of Clomid! Only a few were monitored. Which may be the reason I am still not not pregnant 4 1/2 years later and my ovaries are covered in cysts!

    I agree with everyone else. Tell them you definetly want monitored or find another doc!

  • Btw - an RE is a reproductive endocrinologist - a fertility specialist!
  • My personal opinion is to run, not walk to another doctor.  I am currently doing a clomid cycle.  I had baseline CD3 b/w for 2 mos leading up to it and will have had 3 u/s to monitor my progress prior to IUI.  Post IUI my doc will check my progesterone.  Your RE should be seeing you at some point in each cycle, how else would they even know if you are O'ing, have too many follies, etc?   Also most docs won't do more than 6 cycles of clomid so if you spend 6 cycles on clomid+TI with no monitoring you are left with less options at the end of 6 mos.  I would really really encourage you to get a 2nd opinion at the very least.

    Good Luck!!!

    TTC since 8/2004
    Me - DX Hashimoto's Disease, Hypothyroid, Rheumatoid Arthritis
    DH - DX Azoospermia - Sertoli Cell Syndrome
    DS-IUI #1-4 BFN IVF #1 - BFP! It's a boy!!!
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  • I totally agree with Yellow Daisy... I would definitely look into other doctors. Clomid should be used with regular monitoring appts with a doctor. I am doing my first clomid cycle next month and I will have bloodwork and ultrasounds done often.
    DS #1: (Summer 2010) Gonal-F, Ovidrel, Endometrin & B2B IUIs (Hail Mary Cycle) DC #2&3: IVF #1 (November 2011) Lilypie Second Birthday tickers Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
  • SM607SM607 member
    Thanks All!!  Big Smile
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